Sometimes, if the SSA has further questions regarding your medical condition, they may send you to an independent health care professional to help determine if you are disabled.

They perform what they term a “consultative examination”, in which you may be seen for your psychiatric or physical disabilities. 

These individuals are contracted by the Social Security Administration

When your disability case ends up in the hands of  Disability Determination Services or commonly known as DDS, an examiner determines if and what type of consultative examination you need.

Many disability appeals claimants find these examinations to be very sketchy at best. Disability claimants sometimes find these  physical or mental examination to be very brief and not very thorough.

Don’t be fooled into thinking this examination can be a substitute for a good relationship with your own physician.  In this examination, the doctor does not know you or much about your medical history. 

To win your disability claim or disability appeal, it can be very important to furnish your own medical records and have a long standing doctor/patient relationship.

It is important to attend these physical or mental examinations. 

It may be beneficial to make a list of your severe and non-severe impairments when you attend the examination to make sure you let the physician or psychiatrist know the disabilities you experience.  you may not want to get your hopes up just because they are scheduling an examination. 

This may be one of the many “hoops” you are asked to jump through during what can be a lengthy disability process. 

Talking to an experienced Social Security disability lawyer may be beneficial in knowing what medical records are needed to receive a favorable outcome in your Social Security disability claim.

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Contact Attorney Scott Lewis at (866) 950-5116 or complete the Free Consultation form and our law firm will contact you to arrange a free consultation.