Are There Trial Rules at Social Security Disability Hearings?

When getting ready for your Indiana Social Security disability hearing, you may be wondering  just what the atmosphere will be like and how the questioning will go.  Indianapolis disability lawyer Scott Lewis attempts to prepare all of his clients for what they may expect during the course of their Social Security disability appeal hearing.  Although all Administrative Law Judges (ALJs) may be different, the general framework of the questions usually remains the same.

You may be familiar with courtroom television shows and perhaps are expecting a very rigid line of questioning following strict court rules, you may be surprised to find a more informal setting at your disability hearing.  At times these hearings often resemble more of a conversation than a strict guideline of rules and procedures that make it difficult for you to follow.  Many times, the judge will simply ask you questions and then when he/she is finished, they will let your attorney or representative cover any issues they feel are important or have been overlooked.

Because most judges do not follow strict trial rules, many times an attorney can ask questions that may appear leading in order to expedite the hearing process.  Most hearings are scheduled for one hour or less.  If an attorney was required to lay a foundation for every question being asked, a hearing could last for a very long time and with the huge backlog of Indiana Social Security disability claims this could have a large impact on wait times for others seeking their day in court.  Indianapolis Social Security disability lawyer Scott Lewis believes this type of judicial inefficiency is not advantageous to the Social Security disability process and can only muddy the water when attempting to get important testimony out in a timely fashion.

Indiana Social Security disability attorney Scott Lewis believes Administrative Law Judges that provide latitude in questioning, Social Security disability claimants only help to establish a fair and speedy hearing process.  Indiana Social Security disability claimants waiting such a long period for their hearing only to find themselves muzzled at such an important day may feel they have been treated unfairly.  For the most part, the Social Security disability claims process and its Administrative Law Judges should be commended for holding hearings in a manner consistent with a fair and expeditious setting in mind.

Social Security Disability: Claim Denied?
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If you are struggling with a Social Security disability claim or simply have questions about fling a claim, you can contact Mr. Lewis and his staff for a free case evaluation.  Contact Mr. Lewis and his staff at (866) 950-5116 and discuss your case with Mr. Lewis today.

Do I Qualify for Disability? - Find Out Here

Not everyone is eligible to receive social security disability benefits, find out if you qualify in a few minutes.