What You Can Do to Help Win Your Social Security Disability Case

We believe that the following simple steps may help enhance your claim:

  1. File your paperwork in a timely manner.

The Social Security Administration (SSA) requires you to meet certain deadlines.  You have 60 days (plus 5 days for mailing) to file a Request for Reconsideration after being denied on your initial application.  Failure to file this paperwork in a timely fashion may force you to start the process from the beginning unless you can prove you had good cause for your late filing.  If your Request for Reconsideration is denied, you again have 60 days (plus 5 days for mailing) to file a Request for Hearing.  Again, if you do not meet this deadline within the 60 days allowed, you may find yourself filing an initial application and starting the process from the beginning. Throughout the process, the SSA may ask you to complete a number of forms and reports that all have their own deadlines. Failure to do so can result in a denial.

  1. See the appropriate types of physicians for your conditions and comply with treatment, if possible.

Seeing the right kind of specialist specific to your disability can go a long way to prove to the SSA you are disabled.  The Social Security Administration follows specific rules regarding how to consider medical records or opinions, and your General Practitioner’s opinion alone may not provide enough weight to convince the SSA. More consideration is given to statements from a specialist such as statements relating to the severity of your condition, specific objective testing, and medical source statements as to your functional ability to work.  Our office welcomes all medical provider records that support your case. The more records we can get to support your claim, the stronger your claim becomes. We know that your medical insurance can control what type of treatment you may receive, so if you do not have any insurance, reach out in your community to see what resources are available to support your treatment.

  1. Keep in touch with your Social Security Disability Attorney.

Social Security disability claims can be a long process.  During that time, make sure to let your attorney know about updates to your contact information, medical treatment, and your current physical or mental symptoms. This will make things much smoother as your court date nears.  Due to financial hardships, many of my clients end up moving, changing or disconnecting their telephones, and have difficulty staying in touch with our office.  Letting us know your current address and a good contact number can make it much easier to keep your Social Security disability file updated.  Also, as your physicians or conditions change, we can update your file to make it easier to prepare you and your file for your court date.

Social Security Disability: Claim Denied?
Need Help With Application?

Don't get frustrated! At our law firm, it's our mission to professionally represent our disabled clients, as well as their families, and work hard to get you the benefits you deserve.

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Filing for and getting Social Security disability is indeed a process.  Sitting back and hoping it will take care of itself is not in your best interest.  Some of my clients make it much easier for me to win their claim, but occasionally I have a client that makes me wonder if they are even going to show up for their court date.  My office cares if you win your case, and we want you to care, too.  If you have questions about this process, we are here to respond and provide guidance through this frustrating process.

Do I Qualify for Disability? - Find Out Here

Not everyone is eligible to receive social security disability benefits, find out if you qualify in a few minutes.