Can I Win My Indiana Social Security Disability Appeal If I Am Not Seeing Doctors?

Indianapolis Social Security disability lawyer Scott Lewis talks to many Indiana residents every week asking if they can win their Social Security disability claim when they are not seeing doctors.  He usually tells them it is going to be very difficult to get a favorable outcome without good medical records to prove they are disabled.  Without medical records the Social Security Administration (SSA) has nothing to base a decision on that will result in you being granted disability benefits.

Indiana Social Security claimants often ask if the consultative examination the Social Security Administration (SSA) administered will suffice since they don’t have their own personal physician(s).  In Indianapolis Disability Lawyer Scott Lewis’ experience, the disability claimant usually cannot rely on a consultative examination for a favorable result.  Anyone who has been to one of these consultative examinations probably has had a similar experience.  Most Indiana Social Security appeals claimants complain the examinations are very short and many times do not even cover the disabling condition(s) the disabled individual wants to be addressed.  In general, it is very difficult to find a substitute for a physician that has seen you for an extended period of time and is familiar with you and your disabling condition.

What should you do if you do not have healthcare and you believe you are disabled and unable to work?  While you may receive different advice from different sources, Indiana Disability Attorney Scott Lewis often tells his clients to apply for any government sponsored healthcare program that is appropriate for you, go to your local hospital and find out if they offer a low cost health care program, and search for free clinics that can render health care assistance.  These are just a few options to try and by no means will they always turn up a positive result. Unfortunately, with the health care system in its present state, there is no clear cut answer for those Indiana disability claimants who cannot afford health care.

Is Social Security disability attorney Scott Lewis saying you do not have a chance to win and you should not apply for Social Security disability benefits if you do not have a physician or healthcare provider?  No,there may be circumstances when you can win your Indiana Social Security disability claim. If you find you cannot work due to a disabling condition, Indianapolis disability attorney Scott Lewis believes you should apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits and hope your claim is approved.

Social Security Disability: Claim Denied?
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Don't get frustrated! At our law firm, it's our mission to professionally represent our disabled clients, as well as their families, and work hard to get you the benefits you deserve.

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Indiana disability claimants that have questions about their SSDI or SSI claim can contact Indiana disability lawyer Scott D. Lewis for a free consultation.  Many times, most questions can be answered over the telephone.

Do I Qualify for Disability? - Find Out Here

Not everyone is eligible to receive social security disability benefits, find out if you qualify in a few minutes.