Indianapolis Social Security Disability Benefits Attorneys Can Address Your Problems With Fatigue At Your Social Security Hearing

One symptom of various disabilities Indiana disability lawyer Scott Lewis hears over and over is that his disability clients are always tired or fatigued.  It is not surprising his clients complain of this problem considering the very severe impairments many of them experience.  It is important for Mr. Lewis’ clients to let him know that fatigue is a major problem if it is affecting their ability to work.

While there is a condition referred to as “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome” and Mr. Lewis has experience representing individuals suffering from it, the majority of his clients experience fatigue as a problem from another disability.  Many Indiana disability claimants complain of fatigue from physical conditions such as back problems, heart conditions, COPD, stroke, diabetes, and many other severe impairments.  Your fatigue or feeling of being tired may not be due to just one impairment, but a combination of disabling conditions.

Many individuals suffering from major depression report being in a constant state of fatigue.  Some of these individuals state they are unable to get out of bed, perform activities of daily living, or even take care of themselves due to being “tired” all of the time.  Individuals suffering from a mental disorder who are represented by disability attorney Scott Lewis should let Mr. Lewis know if they experience fatigue or any other symptoms that prevent them from working.

Side effects to medication can also include fatigue.  If you are experiencing fatigue from the medication(s) you are taking it may be important to let your prescribing physician know.  There may be alternative medications that do not have this side effect.  The Social Security Administration is required to consider the side effects of medication when determining your Social Security disability claim.

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Scott D. Lewis is an experienced Social Security disability benefits attorney and takes great pride in representing his Indiana neighbors.  If you find yourself struggling to understand what may be a confusing disability process contact Mr. Lewis for a free consultation.

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