Leukemia and Indiana Social Security Disability Benefits

Are you an individual suffering from chronic or acute leukemia and cannot work because of this disease?  Leukemia is a type of cancer that affects more than 40,000 people per year.  Currently, there is no cure for leukemia. Leukemia occurs when blood cells in the bone marrow grow out of control.

Leukemia usually starts with some common symptoms such as:

  • prolonged bleeding,
  • bruising,
  • weakness,
  • weight loss,
  • infections, or
  • pain & swelling in your joints.

The earlier leukemia is detected, the more likely it can be treated effectively.  This cancer is highly dangerous, but also highly treatable. Some treatments may include:

  • chemotherapy;
  • radiation therapy;
  • other kinds of drug therapy; and
  • stem cell transplants.

Being diagnosed with leukemia can possibly mean a major lifestyle change. Although treatments of these cancers are highly effective and can allow those individuals diagnosed with this cancer to still enjoy a good quality of life, they do not cure the cancer and often leave many side effects that may significantly reduce the quality of life for those who suffer from the disease.

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If you have been diagnosed with leukemia and are unable to work because of it, you may qualify for Social Security disability benefits. The Social Security Administration’s “Listing of Impairments” outlines the criteria that qualifies an individual with leukemia for disability benefits.

In order to qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, you should provide the Social Security Administration (SSA) medical proof of your condition supported by doctor’s exams, imaging technology, blood tests, etc. In addition, if this information also includes statements from your physician(s) asserting that you are unable to work because of your leukemia, it may be beneficial in winning your claim.

Indianapolis Social Security disability attorney Scott D. Lewis realizes that dealing with a diagnosis of cancer may be difficult enough, but dealing with financial problems because you can’t work due to this diagnosis may make it that much more difficult to deal with. Individuals that find that they are unable to work due to leukemia are encouraged to apply for disability benefits.

If you decide to go through the disability application process, contact disability attorney Scott D. Lewis for a free case evaluation.  Mr. Lewis and his staff are knowledgeable about the disability claims process and are capable of assisting you throughout each step of the disability claims and appeals process.  Call (866) 950-5116 for your free consultation.

Do I Qualify for Disability? - Find Out Here

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