Articles - Page 20

The Social Security Administration’s Five Step Process

November 24, 2014

Curious as to how the Social Security Administration (SSA) makes their decision on whether a claimant is disabled or not?  The SSA uses a five-step process, called the “sequential evaluation process,” to evaluate whether claimants’ disabilities are severe enough to prevent them from working.  The steps of the process are as follows: Are you working? Yes: If […]

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Appealing Your Indiana Social Security Disability Claim for Cirrhosis of the Liver

November 20, 2014

Many people find that their initial application for Social Security disability benefits has been denied, even though they have a medical condition, such as cirrhosis of the liver, that may be very severe.  Statistically, you are more likely to be turned down for disability benefits on your initial application than you are to be approved.   […]

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Will My Doctor Be At My Social Security Disability Appeals Hearing?

November 17, 2014

It is highly unlikely  that your treating physician will attend your Social Security disability hearing.  Unless your doctor is a personal friend you can convince to attend your hearing, your doctor in almost all cases will not be there. First, the Social Security Administration (SSA) does not require your doctor to attend.  Although some judges […]

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Epilepsy and Social Security Disability Benefits

November 11, 2014

A diagnosis of epilepsy can be unsettling and quite scary for most individuals.  Unpredictable symptoms and uncertainty regarding the patient’s prognosis create many stressors for the patient’s family.   Financial strains result from the added cost of medications and treatments, not to mention loss of income if epilepsy leads to the loss of a job.  It is […]

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Indiana SSDI Benefits and Your Date Last Insured

October 30, 2014

The Social Security Administration’s eligibility requirements for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) can be confusing.  If you have applied for SSDI benefits, you may have been told about your Date Last Insured (DLI).  Your DLI is one of the first things Social Security checks when determining whether you are eligible for disability benefits. Most workers either have Social […]

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Social Security Administration’s Disability Hearings By Video

October 20, 2014

With a backlog of pending disability cases in Indiana and across the country, many people have received notices informing them their Social Security disability hearing might be held by video teleconference.  You have the opportunity to object to the use of video teleconferencing; if you do Social Security must arrange a hearing for you in […]

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