Articles - Page 22

What is a closed period of disability?

August 21, 2014

In order to qualify for disability benefits, you must have a disability that has lasted or is expected to last at least twelve months.  Although, sometimes I work with clients whose health problems lasted more than twelve months, but they have recovered and are now able to return to work.  Even though they are relieved to […]

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Social Security Disability Benefits for Learning Disabilities

August 8, 2014

Many of the children I represent in claims for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) have been diagnosed with some type of learning disability.  While Social Security Administration (SSA)‘s Listing of Impairments does not specifically address learning disabilities, its evaluation process does consider the effects of learning disabilities on a child’s ability to function. Some of the children I represent […]

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Social Security Disability Benefits for Hepatitis C

July 24, 2014

Hepatitis C (HCV) is a medical condition in which the patient’s liver is inflamed.  In some cases, HCV can lead to cirrhosis (replacement of liver tissue with scar tissue) of the liver.  Hepatitis C is usually spread via organ transplants, transfusions, intravenous drug use, or poorly sterilized medical equipment. HCV was only proven to be a […]

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How Do Drugs And Alcohol Use Affect My Disability Claim?

July 10, 2014

Your social security disability claim may be denied due to alcohol or drug use.  The way this information usually gets to the Social Security Administration (SSA) is through the medical records.  Most doctors offices ask questions concerning drugs and alcohol when patients go in for a check up.   Some hospitals will conduct drug tests […]

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Social Security Disability Benefits for Fibromyalgia in Indiana

July 9, 2014

Fibromyalgia is a condition where a person experiences widespread pain and painful responses to pressure.  Fibromyalgia may also be associated with depression, anxiety, and other stress related disorders.  Other symptoms may be, but are not limited to the following: Fatigue Sleep disturbances Joint stiffness Bowel/bladder issues Numbness/tingling Cognitive dysfunction Difficulty swallowing The cause of fibromyalgia is […]

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Social Security Disability Benefits for Fibromyalgia in Indiana

July 9, 2014

Fibromyalgia is a condition where a person experiences widespread pain and painful responses to pressure.  Fibromyalgia may also be associated with depression, anxiety, and other stress related disorders.  Other symptoms may be, but are not limited to the following: Fatigue Sleep disturbances Joint stiffness Bowel/bladder issues Numbness/tingling Cognitive dysfunction Difficulty swallowing The cause of fibromyalgia is […]

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