Articles - Page 45

How Does a Social Security Disability Claimant Prepare for a Hearing?

January 14, 2011

Indianapolis Social Security Disability Attorney Scott D. Lewis provides a free consultation to Indiana residents seeking disability benefits. During these consultations, he often finds himself explaining the claims process to the disability claimant. Many individuals are concerned with how they can best be prepared for their upcoming Social Security disability hearing. Mr. Lewis always tries […]

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The Hearing Brief and Your Indiana Social Security Disability Appeal

January 10, 2011

Indianapolis Social Security Lawyer Scott D. Lewis often finds it helpful to write a hearing brief in preparation for an upcoming Indiana Social Security disability hearing.  A hearing brief can serve as a theory of the case and provide a framework for how your Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) case […]

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The Social Security Administration and An Unsuccessful Work Attempt

January 7, 2011

You want to work and you know even with Social Security disability benefits you are going to struggle to make ends meet.  Even with all of the extreme pain you are experiencing, you finally find a job and drag yourself to it just to find out there is no way you can work.  You realize […]

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Is There A Way I Can Get My Indiana Social Security Disability Hearing Faster?

January 5, 2011

Maybe you are getting tired of waiting for your Indiana Social Security disability appeal hearing and now you are wondering if there is some way to get in front of a Judge quicker.  You may now find this long wait to have your disability claim heard has put you and your family in financial turmoil […]

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Indianapolis Disability Lawyer Scott Lewis Discusses Why Your Age Matters When it Comes To Social Security Disability Benefits

January 3, 2011

Indiana residents may not all agree getting older is a good thing.  Lets face it, as we age it seems to be a bit harder to bounce back from physical problems we encounter.  As we age, we may also find it more difficult to find employment.  Believe it or not, the Social Security Administration (SSA) […]

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Social Security Disability Claims Continue To Grow

December 30, 2010

Recent reports indicate a rise in the amount of individuals filing for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. This could be due to many factors including the rise in unemployment and even the ease of applying for disability benefits online may be a culprit. Whatever the reason, Indiana Social Security […]

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