Articles - Page 41

Can My Kids Get Social Security Disability Benefits?

May 4, 2011

You may be surprised how often Indianapolis Social Security lawyer Scott Lewis gets asked the above question.  The truth is, there are specific guidelines set forth by the Social Security Administration (SSA) just for children.  The Social Security Administration does provide payments through the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program for disabled children. On many occasions, […]

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Can I Get Social Security Disability Benefits If I Am On Oxygen?

May 3, 2011

Is being on oxygen a sure winner in Social Security disability cases?  In my experience with Social Security disability in Indianapolis, there are several variables involved in determining a person’s need for oxygen and their ability to work. The thought of dragging around an oxygen tank in the workplace may sound far fetched to some, […]

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Your Indiana Social Security Disability Appeal and Radiculopathy

April 28, 2011

Indianapolis disability attorney Scott D. Lewis represents disability claimants with many disabling conditions including those suffering from radiculopathy. Potential disability clients often call his office who suffer from radiculopathy, but are unsure whether this condition qualifies them for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. When your disabling condition begins to prevent you from […]

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Will The Judge Tell Me If I Won Or Lost At The End Of My Indiana Social Security Disability Hearing?

April 25, 2011

So you have waited quite a long time for your upcoming Social Security disability hearing and think you will finally get an answer to your appeal. Well the truth is, you probably have another waiting period to endure before you receive a decision in the mail. Indianapolis Social Security attorney Scott D. Lewis often gets […]

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Will I Have To Talk At My Indiana Social Security Disbility Hearing?

April 18, 2011

Indiana residents waiting on a Social Security disability hearing may find themselves anxious  and worried about what will happen when they enter the courtroom.  Indianapolis disability attorney Scott Lewis is often asked by his clients whether or not they will have to speak at the hearing.  Mr. Lewis advises his clients that they probably will […]

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How Long Will I Have To Wait For My Social Security Disability Hearing?

April 11, 2011

There is still a tremendous backlog of individuals waiting for an Indiana Social Security disability hearing. Indianapolis disability lawyer Scott Lewis spends much of his day explaining to current and future Social Security disability clients that they are in a long line waiting for their day in front of an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). Statistically […]

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